LeBron to the Cavs

Yesterday was payday. But not just any pay day. I can pretty confidently say that I can almost entirely thank LeBron (and Lee Jenkins) for my paycheck. As you all know, LBJ decided to break the news that he was heading back to Cleveland to SI writer Lee Jenkins. I’ll be the first to admit that I found out the news at the same time as Chris Broussard a.k.a. anyone with a Twitter account or smart phone. No one came running to SI Kids cubicles with the initial scoop, but it was still cool to hear the humming, buzzing, and cheering throughout the office when WE were the ones to break the biggest news in the NBA, if not all of sports. So, for that, I thank you LeBron.
On a more scalable and relatable level, I got my first byline in our print magazine, which came in early this week. It’s small, oh but it is there. While I’m still bitter they wouldn’t let me put Michigan State in our Top 10 for the CFB preview, it’s pretty cool seeing my name in the mag. You’ll have to wait until August for your copy. I’ve pretty much finished up the majority of the work I’ll be doing for our September issue, which includes our Tips page & a feature. Going to UGA has its perks when Chris Conley decides to become the next king of short films halfway through your internship. (PS- the September issue, our NFL issue, is full of UGA guys and I couldn’t be more proud.) I initially really pulled for a Shilique Calhoun (DE for Michigan State and my current obsession) feature but I’ll settle for Conley.
Since I only have two and half weeks left here, I’m really trying to make the most of it. We went and watch SI Now during the live broadcast on Tuesday (?) and the guest star was Jake Owen. Swoon. Also, the Rays were projected to go to the postseason by one of the SI Assistant Managing Editors during the show so it was a great day for me to be there. More likely than not, I’ll mosey on down to watch another show or two before I leave. It’s a really great opportunity to take advantage of and I have no problem cutting an hour out of my day to break eye contact with my computer. I also plan on spending copious amounts of time up in the SI library before I leave. You know the scene from Beauty and the Beast where Belle gets all starry-eyed over the beast’s library? Picture that, but more dimly lit and every piece of literature is sports-related. I can’t explain my fascination.
Yesterday the interns had a meeting with Peter King. If you don’t know who he is (what rock are you living under), he started the MMQB for SI and is basically the man of the NFL. He is one of the most inspiring and wonderful people I have met in my short-lived sports journalism career. If you ever find yourself with the opportunity to have time to talk to him, do it.
Because I more or less just ramble about my life, I’m really bad at wrapping up these blog posts. So, I guess that’s all from New York City.


Published by crstroh

I am a current junior at UGA pursuing a degree in Magazine Journalism with certificates in Sports Media and New Media. I am a diehard baseball fan and I still love high school sports. In my spare time, which seems to decrease every day, I run.

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